We transform lives by cultivating literacy skills that promote economic and social success
A stronger community because literacy is highly valued
We believe that literacy is essential for individuals and families to live successful lives. Moreover, improved literacy supports sustainable community development. Literacy empowers people, enables them to participate fully in society and improves their standard of living. Increasing literacy also promotes greater participation in the labor market, improves family health, and reduces poverty.
We believe that every person in the community deserves an equal opportunity to learn, earn a livelihood and be treated with fairness and respect. Diversity, equity and inclusion are inherent in our mission. All our students are overcoming barriers to inclusion. Literacy enables people to access education and employment so they can more fully and equitably participate in the community. We treat our students, staff and volunteers with respect and dignity regardless of their unique characteristics.
We believe that in this increasingly networked and information rich world, literacy is more than basic skills of reading, writing and speaking English. Success in education and employment today requires digital literacy. Social and cultural literacy involves understanding different values, beliefs, customs, and behavior norms. Health literacy requires understanding how to obtain and process basic health information to make good health decisions. We embrace opportunities to advance all literacies according to the needs of our students.
We believe in partnering with our students in pursuit of their individual goals. We support their right to self-determination and encourage feedback. We strive to provide an accepting, safe environment for learning.
We strive to create an inclusive environment in which students, staff, tutors and board members feel valued and contribute their ideas to continuously improving our services.
We believe literacy involves lifelong learning. We offer learning experiences to families, youth, and adults of all ages.
We believe that it is important to collaborate with other organizations in ventures that increase access to literacy in our community. Together we can make a greater impact.
Adopted by the Board of Directors April 25, 2022
Amended April 24, 2023